Thursday, October 8, 2009

Here is the thing about getting pregnant after miscarriage.

You need to maximize the chances of carrying to term. Period.

It may sound like: "duh".

But there really are specific, proven ways to almost assure you have a healthy full-term pregnancy even if you are "prone" to miscarriages. Or if you just can't get pregnant.

One secret I learned was that eliminating one specific food can reduce your chances of having a baby a whopping 85% of the time! Guess what. I was eating it almost daily.

This is not based on the experience of 1 person. Although it did work for me. It has also worked for 100s of women who tried everything.

Was I skeptical? Of course. Was it perfect? Of course not. But I look for results.

You can see my pregnancy story here.

But the main thing is. I want to get the word out to other women who are struggling because of miscarriages and are on the verge of giving up hope.

There is a way to maximize your chances for a healthy baby and it is just good for everyone involved. It is crucial information.